Panel 1
1 - Arindam Das -- Possibility of a general U(1) extended theory and its implications
2 - Huacheng Cai -- Searches for BSM Higgs at ATLAS
3 - Iacopo Longarini -- Searches for new phenomena with the ATLAS detector
4 - Matthew Sullivan -- Multi-TeV Signals of Baryogenesis in Higgs Troika Model
5 - Nazar Bartosik -- Muon Collider: prospects, challenges and the latest progress
6 - Patricia Teles -- Searches of axion-like particles via photon fusion at the FCC-ee
7 - Suchita Kulkarni -- New sensitivity of LHC measurements to Composite Dark Matter Model
8 - William Fawcett -- Searches for supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector
Panel 2
1 - Biswajit Das -- W+ W- H production through bottom quarks fusion at hadron colliders.
2 - David d'Enterria -- Electron Yukawa from s-channel resonant Higgs production at FCC-ee (slides)
3 - Luca Franco -- Higgs boson couplings to bosons with the ATLAS experiment
4 - Matthew McCullough -- Higgs measurements at the Future Circular Colliders
5 - Ramanpreet Singh -- Recent Vector Boson Scattering measurements from CMS
6 - Rosamaria Venditti -- Higgs boson couplings measurement at a Multi-TeV Muon Collider
7 - Samuel Lane -- Electroweak Restoration at the LHC and Beyond
8 - Tristan Du Pree -- Higgs boson couplings to quarks and leptons with the ATLAS experiment
Panel 3
1 - Filip Nechansky -- Multi-boson production including vector-boson scattering and photon-photon fusion at ATLAS
2 - Giulia Sorrentino -- Multibosons results from CMS
3 - Oleksandr Tomalak -- QED radiative corrections to charged-current neutrino-nucleon elastic scattering for accelerator neutrino experiments
4 - Paolo Azzurri -- Electroweak Precision Physics at FCC-ee
5 - Randy Ruchti -- RADiCAL - Radiation-hard Innovative EM Calorimetry
6 - Samuel Homiller -- Putting SMEFT Fits to Work
7 - Semiray Girgis Chyla -- Vector boson and jets measurements from CMS
8 - Yasar Onel -- New Radiation-Hard Scintillators for FCC Detectors